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You Are Corvo: The Destroyer

The wall in front of you was completely vertical and impossible to scale for a normal human, but you were not even sure that you were truly human any longer. Your eyes burned into the spot where you wished to be, every part of your brain was willing your body to use your new power. That was when you heard the whispers. A tingling sensation rushed through your body, and for a millisecond; nothing. Almost as if you were dead. Then with a flash your senses returned and you were high above sea level and Sam was naught but an insect many feet below.

The silhouette of the guard was painted against the sky, his bulk making him stand out all the more as he patrolled the corner watchtower above you. You blinked as soon as his back was turned, and landed perched above him on the structure as he carried on his patrol below, blissfully unaware of the deadly shadow stalking him. You curled your left hand into a fist and then made a forceful forward gesture, harnessing the power of the wind to blast him off the edge. His limp body careened into the railing, spinning him upside down as his legs made contact, and probably giving Sam a very messy surprise on the small beach below.

Your main target was the prison warden, so you made your way across the interlocking walkways weaving through the top of the prison, towards the centre where you knew his office was located. The drop into the yard would have killed you if you were to attempt it normally, but the Outsider had given you the tools to overcome any obstacle. Your eyes burned as you activated your dark vision and a tear of blood rolled down your left cheek. With your dark vision activated you could see the silhouettes of the two guards below, and across the yard in an isolated room there were a swarm of rats scurrying across the weathered floor.

The other guard seemed to notice his friends eyes go vacant as you possessed his body mid-fall. You heard him say something about getting his own squad after what happened last night, as you shuffled away from him and towards the room with the rats. The guards body was cumbersome and you could feel yourself losing control of him as he tried to fight you off. In a flash, you opened the door and immediately exited his body and sprinted towards the second guard whose eyes were wide with fear at the sight of the masked assailant materializing from the innards of his friend. Your sword slid through his throat easily and the guard went down with a gurgle and a whimper. When you turned around the rats had made short work of the guard you possessed and they were tearing what was left of his flesh from his bones with frantic pleasure.


At that moment the door to the main cell block flew open and three guards stormed into the room, fanning out as they entered. They had seen you. You used your blink power to teleport above the guard stood centre, falling into him with your blade and burying it deep into his chest cavity. The attacker to your left lunged towards you, but was easily dispatched with a single bullet from your pistol. As you turned to the final guard you saw a flash of steel, your muscles tensed and you closed your eyes as a feeling of euphoria filled your every fibre.

Time stood still. The blade was mere inches from your mask when you opened your eyes. The guards face looked twisted and distorted as it was frozen in an expression of pure rage; knowing he could have ended you, you took great pleasure toying with him. You made your way behind him and let time flow again as normal, this caused him to trip over his friends body as he swung his blade with killing-blow force. He got up, startled that you had appeared behind him, and he pulled out a pistol and fired a single shot towards you. You used your power over time to freeze the bullet mid flight, next possessing the guard and standing him in front of the suspended bullet. Time flowed again just as the blood flowed from the exit wound in the back of the guards head.

There it was, plain as day a plaque above the door stated "WARDENS OFFICE", this was the place. No need for any stealth here, you wanted him to see you coming. So brazenly you barged through the door, where the warden was waiting; sword in hand. His blow was strong, but your reflexes were lightning, and steel met steel as you blocked his downward swing. You immediately countered with a strong horizontal swing, taking his head clean off his shoulders and his head landed on the floor with a thud and a squelch. His headless corpse stood there for a moment in denial of its situation, his neck was squirting a crimson fountain onto the countless works of art littering the walls, after what felt like an age, his legs buckled and the corpse fell into a heap on the floor.

It took some time to make your way back to the corner watchtower, passing what was left of the corpses of your fallen enemies, the rats were going to have full stomachs that night it seemed. As you looked off the edge of the tower you could see Sam sat by his campfire, night had fallen whilst you completed your mission. Without hesitation you took a running leap from the edge, the wind making your clothes flap as you fell with increased speed. Just before you hit the rock face you performed a blink, and landed safely into the cold embrace of the midnight ocean.


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Kaostic - 03:03pm, 18th July 2016

Epic article my friend :)

kirkules - 03:03pm, 18th July 2016 Author


Ewok - 03:03pm, 18th July 2016

Great read Kirk. Loved the Chaos route. I'll let it settle in then have a read of the Stealth version.

kirkules - 03:03pm, 18th July 2016 Author

Thanks Ross, I'm glad everyone seems to like it :). Everyone seems to be going for the chaos route first of haha.
