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All Buffs, Nerfs, and Adjustments in League of Legends Patch 14.13

All Buffs, Nerfs, and Adjustments in League of Legends Patch 14.13

The brand-new patch for League of Legends hit the live servers, ad there have been a few changes here and there to reflect it! Here are some of the notable changes from the Summoner's Rift update.


A few champions saw some nerfs in this patch, though none have received such hard nerfs as Karthus. Essentially, both Karthus and Brand saw wide-spread nerfs across Average to Pro leagues, with adjustments for their botlane and jungle performances. Here are the champions that saw nerfs:

  • Brand (Bot)
  • Gragas (Top)
  • Kalista (Bot)
  • Karthus (Bot & Jungle)
  • Kennen (Top)
  • Skarner (Top & Jungle)
  • Taliyah (Jungle)
  • Zac (Top)

Some of these nerfs come as no surprise, seeing as Karthus and Brand have been basking in a lot of strength due to the newest item added in this season — the Blackfire Torch. Brand is already sitting at the top 20 winratesand Karthus is doing vast amounts of damage.


Eight champions received buffs in Patch 14.13, focusing mostly on trying to bolster their performance in the Rift or ensuring that they are updating relevant champions to the current meta and ways that itemisation has affected them. Here are the eight champions who received buffs:

  • Gangplank
  • Graves
  • Lee Sin
  • Lissandra
  • Miss Fortune
  • Orianna
  • Pantheon
  • Xayah

Bilgewater seems to be enjoying some buffs, with a lot of champions from that area seeing increases in their kits.Lee Sin is leading the rear at #6 worstwinrate in the game, with Gangplank close behind at #7.Lee Sin will hopefully see a bit of a boost in terms of his defensive ability, while the itemisation change for Gangplank might be the right approach for the champion, veering from crit-focused builds with one purpose: one-shotting.

Varus Adjustment

Varus was singled out with adjustments in this patch, giving players the opportunity to enjoy him in a different way. Currently, he's a highly picked champion (especially in Pro) and is going either Lethality or On-hit, yet On-hit build is quickly hitting the Attack Speed cap, rendering his passive useless.

This adjustment changes the way Varus works but modifying his passive to stack better with attack speed and allow him to bypass the Attack Speed cap of 2.5 to 2.763. His passive also now gives him less attack speed but in return, gives him a bit of AD and AP. We'll see whether this affects his 47.94% winrate and sees him become more prominent.

Rune Changes

Finally, both Dark Harvest and Electrocute have been modified to encourage different players to pick them up. Dark Harvest has been modified to no longer scale natively, but instead scale stronger the more you proc it and reduced the cooldown in order to ensure it can happen more often.

Meanwhile, Electrocute saw a buff for early-game damage and a late-game nerf, but its cooldown has been changed from starting off at 25 seconds and going down to 20 to a flat 20-second cooldown, making it a better early game pick, but also riskier against the improved scaling in Dark Harvest.

That's all that has been changed in Patch 14.13 for Summoner's Rift! This patch will last a bit longer than regular patches, as this will mark the Summer Break for Riot Games, meaning we won't see update 14.14 until the 17th of July 2024.

Read the full patch notes
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?

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