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Day of the Devs 2024: Hello Again

If you love time loops, cosy games, and colourful graphics, don’t miss out on Soup Island’s upcoming puzzle adventure title, Hello Again! The adventure consists of exploring ancient ruins to uncover the secret behind the odd time loops happening, but this means you’ll need to keep an eye on the clock while you puzzle it out, as you won’t have an infinite amount of time to explore!

Whenever you need a break from jumping in and racing the ticking of the clock, sit down and have a chat with the NPCs! Whether it’s Stew, Theodore, Gus, or another, you’ll find a conversation to have. Rinse and repeat!

If that sounds like a great time, don’t forget to check out the trailer! And if you think that looks interesting, wishlist the game on Steam! Hello Again will release sometime in 2025.

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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