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PC Gaming Show: Deathsprint 66

Tonight at the PC Gaming Show, we saw a new trailer for DeathSprint 66. Set in the year 2066, DeathSprint 66 is all about running to die, which is also just running. Developed by Sumo Digital, this is a new way to push your limits as you embark on a race for glory.

As a Clone Jockey, you have an endless supply of clones at your disposal as you race for the Bachman Media Network. It’s up to you to entertain the audience, impress sponsors, hype up your attacks, and survive your way to victory.

With extra gore added to the high-octane sport, DeathSprint 66 promises a traumatic experience for all athletes.

While DeathSprint 66 doesn’t have a set release date, you can add it to your wishlist now to keep updated. Until then, enjoy the pain of running the normal way.

Summer Game Fest 2024
Bex Prouse

Bex Prouse

Staff Writer

Writing about all sorts like a liquorice allsort

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