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Remothered: Broken Porcelain Announcement Trailer

Brought to us by developer Stormind Games, Remothered: Broken Porcelain checks players into the Ashmann Inn, a decrepit ruin rife with secrets, danger, and curious patrons.

Horror fans will grapple with perplexing puzzles as they make themselves at home, but the Ashmann Inn’s ancient halls are teeming with more than just mystery - terrifying hunters roam the building, and knowing when to slip by undetected or face fear head-on will be a critical skill for guests keen on surviving their stay.

Remothered: Broken Porcelain is set to creep onto Windows, PS4 and Xbox One sometime in 2020.

Anna Duncan

Anna Duncan

Head of Article Quality Assurance

May very well be an assassin with a wrist blade and everything.

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