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Xbox Game Pass Price Increase And Which Versions Are Affected

Xbox Game Pass Price Increase And Which Versions Are Affected

While we recently received good news about the Xbox Game Pass' newcomer promotion returning, these did not come without a change in other areas. That said, not all versions of the subscription have been affected, and neither have all countries. Here is all of the information you need to know in order to know whether you were affected by the change.

First and foremost, let's talk about which countries the change didn't affect. If you do not live in the following, then your price will not have been altered: Norway, Chile, Denmark, Switzerland, and Saudi Arabia. For the rest of the world, two of the three tiers have been affected with the following changes:

  • Console: The price for the Console Edition of the Xbox Game Pass subscription has changed from £7.99 to £8.99.
  • PC: The prices for the PC Edition of the Xbox Game Pass subscription remains unchanged.
  • Ultimate: The price for the Ultimate Edition of the Xbox Game Pass subscription has been changed from £10.99 to £12.99.

There are two caveats worth noting: the first is that those who have already been subscribed will not have the change reflected until the 13th of August 2023. The second is that if you have bought a yearly code for the Console version, you will not be affected until after your renewal date, after which you will be charged the updated price.

The changes went live on the 6th of July 2023.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?

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Acelister - 02:44pm, 10th July 2023

Still waiting for some kind of email mentioning this, which you'd think they'd want to let people know?
