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My Thoughts on Deadpool & Wolverine

My Thoughts on Deadpool & Wolverine

I'm turning 31 this year, which means I was only six years old when the X-Men blew up and became popular; while I never really got to grow up enjoying and loving them as much as others, I do know enough to get by, and I hold some of the characters dearly, one of them being Wolverine. Contrariwise, I've been binging the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the first few movies, and I was unimaginably excited to see Deadpool join what, to me, is the only thing I love outside of gaming (and my wife, of course): Marvel. 

Despite my adoration, I'm not impervious to the massive failure of the latest films. While I didn't think they were that terrible watching them the second time around (except Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness; that one will always suck), it's painfully evident that they don't match up to the original quality. But... come on; it's Deadpool and Wolverine. Surely, if anyone can revive the MCU, it would be them teaming up. Right?

Well, Deadpool & Wolverine’s plot revolves around Deadpool's desperate attempts to save his timeline from the TVA's wrath, and, surprisingly, it's not because he messed around with time — it's because Wolverine died (thanks, Fox). Now, he has to set off and find himself a new Logan to try and make everything right before the only people he cares about get wiped.

I won't go any further into the plot or what happens thenceforth, as it would really just take away from your experience, but I do want to touch on how the movie felt for me, as an avid follower of all things Avengers and a newbie to the X-Men.

Deadpool Wolverine Final Trailer In Theaters July 26 0 27 screenshot

As a big fan of Deadpool, I am very pleased that they honoured everything that made his first two movies so great. There's enough gore to keep you hooked but not so much it feels overdone, there are tons of fourth-wall-breaking moments that really add a kick to the scenes, and there are enough f-bombs, edgy jokes, and references to make up for all the MCU movies that kept it PG. That enough would've made the film an experience in and of itself, but sprinkling in the Wolverine and Deadpool bromance was the cherry on top that I didn't know I always needed! I don't know if it's the chemistry between these two unkillable anti-heroes or if it was the actors, but it really oozed in every single scene. It has been a very long time since a movie had us (my wife and I) and the audience in the theatre laughing out loud constantly! Maybe it's too soon to get excited, but having that MCU comedy again breathed life back to movie-watching for me; I knew I missed it, but I hadn't realised how much.

Whenever I wasn't laughing, I was immersed in the fantastic action sequences, particularly those that involved our two immortals going head-to-head because of an argument (usually because of Wade). I haven't watched the X-Men films in years — decades, even — but I am definitely looking forward to doing just that if I get to see more of Logan's ass-kicking. There is nothing like watching two anti-heroes beat each other up without consequence, allowing you to feel the release of the pent-up rage against one another without worrying about losing either of them. Whenever their fury was directed at others, it was equally enthralling, as it will always be fun to watch immortal beings give it their all in battle, and it's even more entertaining when they're so different in fighting styles.

The phenomenal chemistry shines outside of the action scenes, too, making it painfully evident why the trope of a grumpy character and sunshine works so well. Wolverine’s retaliation to Wade’s entire personality doesn’t get old, especially as Logan is quite chaotic himself, bringing even more depth to the frenemies plot: both of them are a nuisance to each other, and their reactions are priceless. 

Deadpool Wolverine Final Trailer In Theaters July 26 0 14 screenshot

But if you've ever watched a Deadpool movie, you know that action-packed scenes and jokes are only about two-thirds of the film, with the other one being pretty random, and that's exactly what this one has, too. I don't know how they do it, but they always take their time and don't rush to unravel the plot, and somehow, it never becomes boring. Whether we're seeing flashbacks, watching Wade get distracted being an idiot, or witnessing a touching moment unfold, there's always something entertaining happening. That is and always will be one of my favourite parts of the Deadpool franchise overall — it is unique and very much a homage to the character.

Unfortunately, before I knew it, the movie was over, and I was already looking forward to their second one. I figured having Wolverine and Deadpool together would be great, but it really surpassed any expectations I had. It brings back what was amazing about the original saga but with a new tone, and it kind of feels like Marvel found the middle ground to what the fanbase has been fighting over — they made a more "adult" MCU that still has that amazing, quick-witted charm. If this is what the next movies will be, then count me in — if not.... well, I'll always probably still watch it, and when disappointed, I'll buckle up for yet another Road to Infinity. 

Moving Pictures
Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.