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Explore a Dying World in the Greedfall II Early Access Trailer

Fans of GreedFall will be thrilled to hear that the Early Access release date of Greedfall II: The Dying Worldhas officially been announced by NACON and Spiders studio.

GreedFall II is set three years prior to the events of the first game, and in this one, you'll take on the role of a native of Teer Fradee. Uprooted from your home and taken to the continent of Gacane, you'll be forced to survive in this land of colonists. With a world ravaged by the Malichor plague and political machinations, your goal is to forge your own destiny and reclaim the freedom you've lost.

With a mixture of cunning, combat, and diplomacy, you and your allies will need to face your challenges head-on to stop one man's ambitions from destroying Gacane and Teer Fradee.

During the Early Access stage, players of GreedFall II will be able to play through the first three chapters of the game's main quest. You'll also be able to explore Teer Fradee, Thynia, and Uxantis. If you want to meet other characters (such as enemies and allies) who may accompany you throughout your adventure. But don't worry, during Early Access you'll also be able to get more features and improvements including zones, quests, skills, other companions, and a lot more. 

So, if you're a fan of GreedFall, keep an eye out for GreedFall II: The Dying World as it's released in Early Access on the 24th of September on Steam. Console players on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S can expect it to be released in 2025. 

Bex Prouse

Bex Prouse

Staff Writer

Writing about all sorts like a liquorice allsort

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