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Let's Minesweeper Review

Let's Minesweeper Review

 Let's Minesweeper is… well, it’s just Minesweeper on a very, very big scale developed by Sunjoy Game/神匠游戏. Here, you'll be playing a rather standard match of the classic computer title played by every kid but never fully learned. However, the field is… slightly bigger than the average Minesweeper game (about a million times the size), so you’re gonna need to get some help from a few thousand people and a couple of weeks or months in order to clear all the mines and reveal the picture underneath, like that Peter Molyneux game from a while ago that swept the world… and turned out to have a massive disappointment in the middle.

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I should point out this is mainly Chinese.

Okay, this is going to be somewhat of a different review because… that’s everything about the basic gameplay. There are leaderboards and a chat but what can I say about Minesweeper that hasn’t already been said before all the way back in 1990?

Well, let’s talk about what they did to make it a massive multiplayer game. First off, screwing up by flagging a number as a mine or clicking a mine isn’t all that punishing. You just get a six-second timer before you can click again. While I think it could be a little harsher, if there was a life system or kept increasing the timer with each death, I suppose it wouldn’t be as casual or as easy to load up and play for a quick session. The pause was more than enough encouragement to not just click randomly, but only if you were taking the game even slightly seriously.

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You know what, this is actually pretty cool.

Second, as you play, you earn points that can be used to unlock different flags and textures to make your mark a little more personalised. Now, usually I have no issue with this, especially since the game isn’t asking you to spend more money for cosmetic changes. However, I’m pretty sure a few of those flag assets are stolen or used without permission. I recognised the Lightning Boots from Terraria, you can’t tell me that pickaxe isn’t from Minecraft, and I’m pretty sure that they aren’t doing a collaboration with Neon Genesis Evangelion — And they have a lot of collabs. You could quite literally live a full and happy life off of Evangelion collaborations, from events to food, and even work a nice job just with the equipment, uniform, and transportation provided (as seen in a video from Red Bard). The only surprising thing that Evangelion hasn’t done a collab for is… well, protection.

Sorry for the tangent, but I’m doing my best to make this interesting because there’s only so much you can say about Minesweeper.

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Featuring My Little Pony, Terraria, Minecraft, Evangelion, and more!

Anyways, back to the game. I forgot to mention beforehand but since the field is so damn big, you’ll need to teleport to different spots on it if you want to get anywhere without risking carpal tunnel from dragging your mouse too much. The map is actually pretty accurate, showing spots that still need clearing and updating quite frequently. It’s nice.

Okay, let’s keep this short and sweet. Let's Minesweeper is… well, Minesweeper but bigger. If you're good at or enjoy Minesweeper, then go for it. For those who haven’t given Minesweeper more than a couple of minutes of their attention, it can oddly be a little addicting once you get into it. It’s best for a quick session when you have nothing to do and want to relax. Not exactly a complex game despite its scale, but maybe it just doesn’t need any more.

6.00/10 6

Let's Minesweeper (Reviewed on Windows)

Game is enjoyable, outweighing the issues there may be.

Let's Minesweeper is Minesweeper but bigger and with more players. It’s an average game that you can get into, but that all depends on how much you like and understand the rules of the original game.

This game was supplied by the publisher or relevant PR company for the purposes of review
Dylan Pamintuan

Dylan Pamintuan

Staff Writer

An Australian-born guy whose trying to show everyone why games are awesome.

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